Saturday, October 16, 2010

Water leak under a slab floor in Indiana found by United Leak Detection

This isa hot water line leak that was found beneath a slab floor.  The leak was on the bottom of the pipe where the pipe lay up against a concrete pipe used for air conditioning.  The leak in the pipe was where the pipe had come in contact with the concrete pipe.  The top of the pipe lay against the bottom of the slab floor. This job could have been a disaster had the location of the leak been off by only a few inches. The concrete pipe could have been broken. The hot water line lay under a wall, and deciding which side to access was the hard choice of a skilled leak detection specialist.  Most of the heat from the leaking hot water line came up on the side of the wall away from the leak due to the concrete pipe absorbing much of the heat.  Six inches to to either side away from the leak, and a contractor is either not finding the leak on the wrong side of a wall, or has broken the concrete pipe, and still cannot find the line or the leak.  Call United Leak Detection to find your leak today so you can start getting your leak repaired today, 888-422-5325 United Leak Detection



At March 22, 2011 at 3:25 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

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